What is a balanced diet?


By reading the title of my post the first thing that may come in your mind that what is a balanced diet? is it bounds all the things that we do not like , as just salad leaves, green vegetables like and avoiding fatty and crispy food and so much other things.

Then I want to tell you that this is not the case, because here I am going to explore so much other things that you may love and comes under the balanced diet. First of all we consider a general definition of a balanced diet for your understanding then we discuss our points of interest related to balanced diet.


A diet involving Variety of different kinds of food items that provide us a lot of nutrients necessary for maintenance of our good health is generally called a balanced diet.

This definition is not related to our interest. Let us make an interesting information of balanced diet.

A diet which we love and eating it not make us fatty nor too thin, keeps us active and also it colors are very attractive and easy to cook, in our dictionary is a balanced diet.

 Following are some necessary items which we must take in our food, if we want to claim that we take balanced diet.

  • Fresh and colorful fruits
  • Fresh and colorful vegetables
  • Grains that may be fresh 
  • Legumes, of course fresh
  • Nuts
  • Protein sources(meat, pulses)

 What are proteins, carbohydrates and fats?

 you may think that why these all things are necessary for maintenance of a good health. Let us

understand it. All these things have adequate amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Now, question arises that what are these and what are their uses.Its gonna long but easy to understand. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are all Bio molecules which combine with each other to form all living entities. Also humans? Yes, of course humans also consist of these bio molecules. 

These all bio molecules not make body of living things but also very very important for their proper functioning. Now you may think that I am going to teach you biology. Not of course, I am just giving you just some basic information. 




  • Carbohydrates: 

 Potatoes are good sources of carbohydrates. By eating wheat, rice and grains we can also claim that we we takes a handsome amount of carbohydrates.

  • Proteins: 

Pulses, beans and meat, all provide us a lot of proteins for healthy diet. 

  •   Fats:

If we want to engulf fats, means want to take fats in our food , we may use oils and margarine.

  • Vitamins:

When we talk about vitamins we may consider that there is only one vitamin but we are actually wrong. yes, there are different types are vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B (complex), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and last but not the least vitamin K. All these vitamins have different sources. I can explain all of these in detail, you will feel boring, so lets leave it. 

Some sources of vitamins are fruits, green vegetables and fats, and some bacteria in our body also produce vitamins.

Do you want to know about calories? 

 We hear in our daily life a common word calories, especially from nutritionist if some of you by chance met them. so, what is calorie.

 In order to increase the temperature of one gram of water by 1 degree centigrade energy used is known as one calorie.

  That's the simple story of calorie. we can say that calorie is the unit of energy. An interesting question arises here. Why we eat food and what is its connection with calorie.The food we eat gives us energy which we measure in the form of calories. to live a healthy life adequate amount of calories is necessary.

 when food is digested in our body it gives us calories(energy). Every kind of food rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates gives us different numbers of calories of energy. That is why we use varieties of food items as nutritionist suggest.

Bonus tip:

some people make it a headache that they should take a counted number of calories and do a daily basis calculation that how many calories they burn in doing their daily works. But I think this is very unpractical approach. we should just take simple healthy food that I would explain my next posts. Till then just stay healthy and happy.